Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Day Out

We always go to story time on Wednesday mornings with our friends and I had to do a quick errand to Target afterwards. Our friends are great and tagged along with us. =)

Waiting for the story to start...we visited the snack bar beforehand. =)

Nicci insisted she try on this hat...

Riley (the lone boy in this group of girls) sure looks handsome in this hat!

New Poll

If you haven't noticed, I've added a poll to the right side of the page. I have an ultrasound coming up and I wondered what y'all were guessing Baby #2 will be. Boy? Girl? Go vote! =)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Squeaky Clean Fun

How big is Caroline?


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow in Texas?!

Our weatherman was forecasting snow for our area, but I didn't believe we'd ever get any.

I was wrong.

It continued to fall ALL DAY LONG.

Our friend's backyard.

Our house.

I took Caroline out after her nap to play in the snow.

Her friends even came over.

Did Caroline enjoy the snow?

Nope. Not so much. She IS a Texan, after all. =)

One of my favorites from the day.