Saturday, March 15, 2008

What a Monday. . .

Monday was our 12 week OB appointment. On the way, I started hurting on my right side and by the time we got to the hospital (where our doctor's office is located) I was doubled over in pain. Once I got into the office I could only lie down. The doctor came in and was concerned that something was wrong with the baby. He did an ultrasound and our little peanut was just fine. However, Mommy was not. My urine sample contained blood, so the doc was sure I was in the middle of passing a kidney stone. He admitted me to the hospital where they gave me demerol (wow. . .good stuff), catheterized me to drain my bladder, and kept me overnight. They did an ultrasound on my kidneys late Monday night and I got to see the baby, too. That machine must be more advanced than the one my OB uses. I got to see the little stinker dancing around waving his or her little arms and legs (kinda like the baby was saying "hi, Mom!") and flipping around. It was awesome!

Anyway, to make a long story short, I saw the urologist on Monday morning and he told me that I'd passed the stone, but that there really wasn't anything he could do while I'm pregnant. My OB sent me home with some serious pain meds in case another one hits. Let's hope no more come my way. . .it was by far the worst pain I've EVER felt. I know one thing, though. . .I will DEFINITELY be getting an epidural! =)

Here's a picture of our baby from Monday. . .the baby is on its head!


Anonymous said...

Well, Ms. Kim, it sounds like other than the kidney stone all things are going well for you and newest lil Cryer. Are you guys still in Alabama or have you journeyed on to bigger and better locations? I am so excited for you to join the ranks of Army Mommies. It is excited, tiring, rewarding, aggravating, and just about every single emotion one could think of, but at the end of the day I wouldn't change my family for anything in the world.

Love Ya

KLutz said...

Oooo I love your baby already! I'm really happy to hear that you and Ryan will be moving to da Hood. Even though you won't be moving here til I'm back in Chicago, I'm excited for you two (three...)to visit!

Koontz Family said...

What a cute little peanut! I am glad that you are feeling better.

Duncan Family said...

Thank goodness that is over! Now having a baby will be a breeze!
I love the ultrasound too! He/She is getting bigger!

KarenxoxoTony said...

I can see what looks to be legs and the face... I'm thrilled for you guys!!!!!