Saturday, February 21, 2009


I've been learning to make clothes for my sweet little girl. Here are three of my first attempts. =)

Caroline's Christmas dress. . .embroidered by my fancy new machine!

A two piece outfit with a flyaway back.

Its monogrammed, too. =)

Two piece outfit. You can't really see the colors well, but its pink and brown gingham with pink and brown polka-dot trim.


The Burgess' said...

Holy cow, those are amazing! I am so impressed. It is hard to sew trust me I know! That must be an awesome machine you have I am jealous! Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

The outfits are awesome Kim!! The Christmas dress is fantastic, but hard to believe Caroline will be that big.

Duncan Family said...

I need some work done.. email me if you want to help me out! Love Ya and Miss Ya

ABC said...

Beautiful!! Nice work!

The Fuller Ohana said...

LOVE the outfits!! Blain bought a sewing machine for me about a year and a half ago. I still can't make anything! LOL He's made Makayla a couple of dresses though. :D

I'm jealous of your machine. :D

mama to many said...

where do I put my order in?! :)

Koontz Family said...

Be expecting patterns and material in the mail soon! Just kidding...they are fabulous!!! You are so very creative.