Friday, March 19, 2010

Its Official...

Caroline is getting a baby BROTHER!

This little guy wasn't a bit shy and was proud to show us his parts! ;)

As a matter of fact, the very second the ultrasound technician placed the thing on my belly the "money shot" was the first thing we saw! She said she normally saved that part for last, but our baby boy wasn't willing to hold off on the surprise.

The "money shot"

We have decided to name our son Fletcher Joseph in honor of several special men. Fletcher was my paternal grandfather's name and I never got to meet him. I've grown up hearing stories about how wonderful a man he was and thought it would be a great tribute to him to name our son after him. Joseph (Joe) Miller was my sister's fantastic husband and sadly, he passed away of cancer almost 5 years ago. Joe has been a part of the family since I was a very little girl and I miss him terribly. I know how much he would've loved his niece and nephew and I'm sad that they won't get to meet him. Joseph is also a special name to us for another reason: it was the middle name of our dear friend CPT Timothy Moshier who was killed in action on April 1, 2006 while fighting the War on Terror in Iraq. These three men were taken from us too early and are all greatly missed. If Fletch grows up to be nearly as strong and noble as these men, Ryan and I will be very proud parents.

Now that I've introduced him to you, I'm sure you'd like to see more of his first photos. =)

A frontal shot of his face

His sweet profile - the technician had trouble getting this shot because he wouldn't take his thumb out of his mouth. It looks like he's gonna be a thumb sucker like his big sister!

His cute little feet

We're so excited to know you, little man, and we can't wait to meet you face to face!


mama to many said...

OH MY!!!! So excited for you guys!!!! I LOVE having one of each--love his name too!! What a cool legacy to step into! keep the pics coming...we need to see some mommy belly shots!

Duncan Family said...

so happy for you guys! i remember when charlie showed us his "stuff" in the ultrasound and I yelled out, "Is that a penis?" I had everyone laughing in the room but I was so excited I saw it! I bet Ryan is over the moon and Caroline will be such a great big sister to her little brother! CONGRATS

Grammy said...

Yeah, I'd say he is all boy! Can't wait for his arrival.

Brooke and David said...

Cute and special name for your little guy! I got chills reading the stories of who you are naming him after!

Renee and Frank said...

We are so excited for you and your family!! That is so great!! Caroline will love having a little bro! My boys are 21 months apart and have always been close. I am sure Caroline and Fletcher will also be the best of buds! Congrats!

KLutz said...

I can't wait to meet little Fletcher!