Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A precious child needs a miracle. . .

I found a link to this blog (thanks, Brooke) and it completely broke my heart. This couple has already lost one child (stillborn at 37 weeks) and their second, born 2/27/09, has a rare skin disease. This little guy is in the NICU fighting for his life. I can't imagine how this new mother feels, especially with the possibility that she'll go home without a baby in her arms for the second time. Everyone, please say a prayer for this baby. . .he needs us all to lift him up! Thanks!

Click on the picture to go to the Williams' blog.


The Burgess' said...

I used to baby sit a little boy with EB. It can be a sad thing. But the older they get the better the better they get. We will be praying for Jonah and his family. Thank you for sharing this story!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! This is something no Mother/Father should ever have to go thru... My heart goes out to them...