Sunday, January 11, 2009

Highlights from Alabama

Our trip (which we thought would be a vacation) was a very busy one! After a VERY long drive and 12 days at home, here are a few highlights. . .

-Caroline got to meet lots of people for the first time: Clay and Nadia, Aunt Jaki and cousin Alex, Rex and his family, Aunt Wanda and Uncle Shawn, Papa, the Steeles, the Rays, all the people at Enterprise Chevrolet, the McKinneys, Auntie Carol, Auntie Sarah, Angela, the Bocks, Molly Schellin, and Rusty Locklar.

-we had Caroline's 3 month photos taken at Moseley Studios in Elba (pictures to follow soon)

-I decided to whack off all of my hair (since it was falling out anyway). . .THANKS, NAD! =)

-Celebrated Grammy and Grampy's 40th Wedding Anniversary

-Celebrated Uncle Eric's 35th birthday

-Caroline rolled over from back to front, but hasn't done it again. She's growing up so quickly! =(

-Most of all, we enjoyed spending time with our family and friends and we're looking forward to doing it again soon!

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