Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tag. . .You're It!

Tagged by Stephanie

Rules: Write 6 random things about yourself, link the person who tagged you & post the rules. Tag six people...

1. I'm a little OCD (which is no surprise), but I can't stand to have dirty dishes in the sink and I must wash them before bed.

2. I'm an impulse shopper.

3. I own all four seasons of "Felicity" and every couple of years I will re-watch them. . .marathon style.

4. I've been rappelling and even jumped face first off a bridge. . .all while tied in a Swiss seat!

5. I have a black thumb. . .I've even killed a cactus.

6. Hearing something being stirred (spoon scraping a bowl, sour cream tub, etc) makes my skin crawl. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up!

I tag Meri-Ann, Marie, Kristy, Jayme, Nadia, and Pam.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Remember when I was in charge of taping Felicity for you, and when we played it back the tape was blank?! I thought you were seriously going to kill me!! LOL!

Marie & Barry said...

The Marie you that me?!! You never know!!