Friday, September 12, 2008

38 Weeks

I had my 38 week appt this morning and I'm 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced! =) Caroline is at -2 station, so the midwife said we're ready. She stripped my membranes (which hurt, but not as badly as last week), so now we just have to wait and see what happens. I'm contracting pretty consistently, but I don't know if they're just from the procedure or if they're the real thing. Let's hope for the real thing! =) The midwife also said that the change in pressure brought on by hurricanes can make babies come, so maybe Ike will bring us some rain AND a baby! More to come. . .


Duncan Family said...

thanks for calling.. keep us posted! Good thing you are not having a boy or you would have to call him ike! tee hee

Koontz Family said...

Ok, it's been more than three hours since she was born and still no pics on the blog. Alright, Kim, enough is enough, out of the bed and post some pics. I'm tired of waiting...Todd

The Burgess' said...

CONGRATS! I am so excited she is here. I cannot wait to see pictures and hear all about the details! love ya

worthington said...

She's BEAUTIFUL! You did great. Greg said she looks just like Ryan but I see Momma in her eyes! Keep sending pics so we can keep up with ya'll. Miss you!
Greg and Denise