Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 5

Caroline has been here 5 days already. . .man, how time flies! She's an absolute angel except for night before last when her evil twin reared its ugly head. She screamed ALL NIGHT LONG! We think it was just gas, but Ryan and I were both at wit's end. Thankfully, his parents are here so they made me go to bed yesterday and I slept until 5:30 pm. Caroline slept like a champ last night. . .what a blessing! We hope that the other night was a fluke and that she'll be a better sleeper. Everyone say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed! Now for some pics. . .

More from the hospital. . .

Daddy working his "burp magic" in the middle of the night. . .


Ray, Jayme, Caeleb, Alaura & Hailey said...

Love the pictures!!!! She is such an angel!!!! She is so little!!! I am sure she only fits in preemie clothes! I hope the sleeping gets better! I remember when we brought Caeleb home from the hospital... I learned all about sleep deprivation!!!! He was terrible!!!! I think for the first three days home, he was up every hour on the hour! So I will be saying a prayer for you! Abuse the grandparents while they are there! LOL! Congrats again! i love the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, she is tiny! I hope the sleep stuff gets better. I know it can be trying! Love the pictures... keep them coming!

Duncan Family said...

YEAH more pictures.. don't worry about not getting sleep... you won't for 18 more years!

mama to many said...

YAY for more pictures! I know how crazy life can get and updating the blog doesn't always make the top of the list...but I have been checking every day for pics of your new family! What a beautiful baby girl! You look great--even in that horrible hospital gown! What flattering pieces of clothing those are! :) Regarding sleep--all I can say is, it does get better...eventually! Enjoy these nights of tender touches, they go by quickly!

Baby Hopes said...

Yeah!! Pictures, pictures, love the pictures!!! Keep them coming. Since I can't visit and actually see you guys I love seeing the pictures of all 3 of you, not just Caroline. Of course she does take the show. Love the T-shirt and you both look like naturals. Kim you look good!! Thank God for the parental units, I know you are really glad they are there. Take care, and get the sleep when you can!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs.Kim and Mr.Ryan. Caroline is so cute.I can't belive shes finally here.I love her already even though I haven't meet her.I hope to see more pics.Good luck on the sleep and all I remember whe Christian used to keep our mom up all night.Love the Violetta.